Monday, April 11, 2022

Siblings Day 2022

Happy National Siblings Day

to all my unborn siblings

and my siblings in spirit

and to you, brother, 

and to you, sister,

and to anyone

in between.

It's been years

since I've seen 

you all

or even at all.

But I thought

of you a lot

those L.A. afternoons

when Mom was at work

and playmates were

unavailable and

I was too young

to have a car

and go cruisin'

and too old to play

cowboys by myself.

And I think of you

this special day

when, as usual, 

you are once again

unavailable or

out of town

or nonexistent.

It's the thought

that counts.

Or so they say,

Robert Loomis


Concord CA